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2007 Honda Jazz
Islington, NSW

183 trips
42  of 42
Small Car 4 doors 4 seats

Instant Keys

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Small Car 4 doors 4 seats

The SOFTYMOBILE is the best ever version of the Honda Jazz - auto 7 speed sequential gears with optional manual control. It's a little car but you never lack power - on hills pulling past big boofy cars effortlessly - up yours chum! Dressed up as the Transformers Bumblebee, everyone will smile at you as you drive - which is a bit weird if you don't remember why. It's in tidy shape, but because this car isn't brand new you can cram in your bikes or whatever and not be too fussy about the interior. We won't cry over little scrapes - they'll just match the ones we have already made. We've left a moving blanket, a body bag (new) and tarp in the back, so you can pick up bags of bark at Bummings - stuff to take to the markets - anything - just cram it all in - you won't believe how much you can fit in this little car.  The back seats fold down flush with the level of the boot, creating a huge interior space - big enough for TWO BIKES. Alternatively, you can fold the front passenger seat backwards and make a long space for a surfboard. Or get tricky with the split-fold and mix and match your people and your stuff in kooky never before seen ways. The SOFTYMOBILE is parked behind Softys at 20 Maitland Road, Islington - a short walk from Hamilton Station.

Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Air conditioning
Safety and technology
No smoking
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2007 Honda Jazz
Islington, NSW

183 trips
42  of 42
Small Car 4 doors 4 seats

Instant Keys

Small Car 4 doors 4 seats

The SOFTYMOBILE is the best ever version of the Honda Jazz - auto 7 speed sequential gears with optional manual control. It's a little car but you never lack power - on hills pulling past big boofy cars effortlessly - up yours chum! Dressed up as the Transformers Bumblebee, everyone will smile at you as you drive - which is a bit weird if you don't remember why. It's in tidy shape, but because this car isn't brand new you can cram in your bikes or whatever and not be too fussy about the interior. We won't cry over little scrapes - they'll just match the ones we have already made. We've left a moving blanket, a body bag (new) and tarp in the back, so you can pick up bags of bark at Bummings - stuff to take to the markets - anything - just cram it all in - you won't believe how much you can fit in this little car.  The back seats fold down flush with the level of the boot, creating a huge interior space - big enough for TWO BIKES. Alternatively, you can fold the front passenger seat backwards and make a long space for a surfboard. Or get tricky with the split-fold and mix and match your people and your stuff in kooky never before seen ways. The SOFTYMOBILE is parked behind Softys at 20 Maitland Road, Islington - a short walk from Hamilton Station.

Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Air conditioning
Safety and technology
No smoking
October 2017

September 2017

September 2017

great car, still miss firing a bit in lower gears. I have Parked in the back lane but further back towards Hamilton station as there was no room up further.

August 2017

Awesome little car. Fitted heaps of items inside it right when I need it. There is no way a bigger, fixed seat, sedan or hatch could have handled the load.

Shared by Jamie
Sharing since Apr 2016
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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