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2004 Subaru Forester
Sydney, NSW

192 trips
48  of 50
Station Wagon 5 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

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Station Wagon 5 doors 5 seats

**IMPORTANT - if you borrow this car you must read the lockbox location instructions entirely as there are a few lockboxes in the courtyard that belong to other people** Great multi-purpose car suitable for commuting large groups or large items. The back seats can fold down increasing the already large hatchback boot space. The car is reliable and has been routinely serviced every 6 months. To give an idea on space - the car has been taken down to the snow slopes in Jindabyne multiple times this year with 2 snowboards and 2 sets of skis and other gear all fitting in the back (one seat down) with 4 passengers.

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
No smoking
No pets
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Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2004 Subaru Forester
Sydney, NSW

192 trips
48  of 50
Station Wagon 5 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

Station Wagon 5 doors 5 seats

**IMPORTANT - if you borrow this car you must read the lockbox location instructions entirely as there are a few lockboxes in the courtyard that belong to other people** Great multi-purpose car suitable for commuting large groups or large items. The back seats can fold down increasing the already large hatchback boot space. The car is reliable and has been routinely serviced every 6 months. To give an idea on space - the car has been taken down to the snow slopes in Jindabyne multiple times this year with 2 snowboards and 2 sets of skis and other gear all fitting in the back (one seat down) with 4 passengers.

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
No smoking
No pets
Annaliisa Maree
April 2019

Fiona's car was easy to find and if you follow the instructions correctly as they are very clear and detailed you will get the lockbox and keys easily. Car did not have any fuel on pick up which was a hassle and dirty exterior but has all the cords necessary (car charger port, aux) which was great. Sounds clunky when driving but just because it's old. Cruise control was a great bonus for a day trip to the Blue Mountains! Would definitely rent again thank you.

Response from Fiona

Thank you Annaliisa for following the clear instructions :) I'm so glad to hear that they are easy to follow as many don't read and have trouble. It's so inconvenient and unfortunate the previous borrower did not return the car with at least 1/4 tank of petrol and that it was dirty on the exterior - I'm sorry you had to suffer the consequences of that. The requirement for borrowers to return a car with this amount is to prevent situations such as this. I always keep the car clean so again apologies for other borrowers returning it in a dirty condition.

April 2019

all good

February 2019


Ching Han
February 2019

Thanks Fiona your car is awesome. Full space and smooth

Shared by Fiona
Sharing since Nov 2017
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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