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2006 Honda CR-V
Brunswick, VIC

281 trips
118  of 119
SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

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SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

COVID SAFE: I've got wipes in the car. Please wipe down high touch areas before and after your trip. I do the same whenever I drive. This is the perfect car for a day trip to the Dandenong Ranges, a pitstop at Bunnings, a long weekend away or to move some small furniture. As a decent sized SUV it's got lots of leg room for passengers and boot space for your gear. Rear seats fold down for extra storage space. It's also got roof racks for extra, extra storage space. Happy for you to bring your pets along for the ride, but please BYO towels or a blanket to put down on the seats and clean up before you leave if any fur has fallen loose in the car. It's got all the features you could ask for in a car that runs like a dream for it's age. NOTE - I need 24 hours notice to put the bike rack on if you want it.

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
Bike rack
Roof racks
Pet friendly
No smoking
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2006 Honda CR-V
Brunswick, VIC

281 trips
118  of 119
SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

COVID SAFE: I've got wipes in the car. Please wipe down high touch areas before and after your trip. I do the same whenever I drive. This is the perfect car for a day trip to the Dandenong Ranges, a pitstop at Bunnings, a long weekend away or to move some small furniture. As a decent sized SUV it's got lots of leg room for passengers and boot space for your gear. Rear seats fold down for extra storage space. It's also got roof racks for extra, extra storage space. Happy for you to bring your pets along for the ride, but please BYO towels or a blanket to put down on the seats and clean up before you leave if any fur has fallen loose in the car. It's got all the features you could ask for in a car that runs like a dream for it's age. NOTE - I need 24 hours notice to put the bike rack on if you want it.

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
Bike rack
Roof racks
Pet friendly
No smoking
October 2021

October 2021

Good little car for shorter trips around and about, good that it's pet friendly too! Bit of trouble working out the code to turn the override thingy off, but got there in the end and everything else was nice and simple. Very polite and helpful correspondence with Sean too

October 2021

Was a nice car to drive, plenty of room to put in our babys car seat.

August 2021

Car was filthy and broke down on my trip with mechanical issues and unsafe to drive which needed to be towed. Wasted 3 hours of my morning. I don’t recommend this car to anyone. It also had 3 previous reviews with mechanical issues that I read after the trip and clearly the owner has not had a service. Can’t believe this car is on car next door.

Response from Sean

I am sorry you had a poor experience when using my car. I don't want that to happen to anyone. But it is clear that it was due to your unrealistic expectations for the service you purchased and had nothing to do with my car. So I have some facts to clarify based on your review. My car is very safe to drive and did not breakdown when you had it. I missed your call because I was riding my bike to work and then you told me via text that my car had "faulty brakes". When I tried to call you to clarify and discuss you refused to talk to me. A brake issue is not a breakdown and my car did not need to be towed. Both front and back brakes were replaced within the last 15,000km. When my car was taken to my mechanic they could not notice anything wrong with it including when they test drove it. Because you gave me no other information I asked them to open it up to see if they could find any issues. They noticed minor wear on the front lower bushes and link pins on the suspension. This minor wear had no bearing on safety but I asked for them replace to be replaced to improve the suspension for future borrowers. In reference to "3 previous reviews with mechanical issues" - those are 3 reviews out of 260 trips and over 3 years of sharing. Two were for a broken headlight bulb I hadn't noticed yet and one was for a sound a borrower noticed when braking, which my mechanic said was normal for a car as old as mine. And ALL of those borrowers still gave my car a thumbs up review. Finally, my car was not "filthy" when you picked it up. I am looking at the photos you took now and there was general dustiness on the exterior from the car being parked on the street and some minor debris on the drivers side floor mat. Car Next Door is a community car sharing platform. My car is used regularly by borrowers and is parked on the street. It is not cleaned after every trip so it is not pristine. And most importantly it is a 15 year old car. It will not drive like a brand new car. From your impression of my car as filfthy and unsafe when it categorically was not, it is clear to me that you are not used to driving a 15 year old car that has the odd creak. I suggest you borrow from a traditional hire car company in the future or stick to newer cars on CND that are more suitable to your taste and experience.

Shared by Sean
Sharing since Jun 2018
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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