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2015 Audi A5
Olinda, VIC

135 trips
53  of 54
Convertible 2 doors 4 seats

Instant Keys

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Convertible 2 doors 4 seats

Two door, four seat convertible in immaculate condition. Full insurance included — Just get in and drive! Leather seats, GPS, reverse camera and other features you'd expect from a luxury Audi convertible! Also, this car has no “Car Next Door” advertising stickers on it, so it presents as a private car externally. Internally, there's a business card holder for my bed and breakfast in Olinda, Annie Roe’s B&B. If needed, the business card holder can be removed by lifting it up and putting it in the glove box Lockbox is temporarily inside the house. Give me a call to get key. You’ll just need to show your drivers licence Common questions I get asked : —————————— Great Ocean Road —————————— Being a convertible, the majority of trips taken are down the Great Ocean Road, to the Twelve Apostles What to see : Drive through Melbourne to Torquay, then Lorne, Apollo Bay and end up in Port Campbell to see the Twelve Apostles. I don’t normally go further than that, unless I’m staying in Port Fairy (small country town approx 90km from the Twelve Apostles) Times : Whenever I go, I either leave the afternoon before and stay somewhere down there for the night, or leave around 5am on the morning of my trip to give plenty of time to stop, relax and see the sights. It seems early, though you'll appreciate it once you’re down there and have plenty of time to see the sights. I then either stay somewhere down there the night or having left so early, you could easily make it there and back by the evening of the same day. All this being said, I have had people pick the car up around 11am and make it there and back by the same night, though I’m not sure how much time that gave them to take it all in? —————————— —————————— Collecting the car? —————————— Taxi / Uber or Friend to drive you : Olinda is around 45 mins to the east of Melbourne, just up the hill from Ferntree Gully Public transport : Trains run from Melbourne CBD to Upper Ferntree Gully. From there, you can catch the 688 bus or catch a taxi approx 15 mins up the hill Note : I get constant requests to drop the car off in the city. I can’t as my times don’t allow for it, so please allow your own way to collect the car ——————————

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
Safety and technology
No smoking
No pets
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2015 Audi A5
Olinda, VIC

135 trips
53  of 54
Convertible 2 doors 4 seats

Instant Keys

Convertible 2 doors 4 seats

Two door, four seat convertible in immaculate condition. Full insurance included — Just get in and drive! Leather seats, GPS, reverse camera and other features you'd expect from a luxury Audi convertible! Also, this car has no “Car Next Door” advertising stickers on it, so it presents as a private car externally. Internally, there's a business card holder for my bed and breakfast in Olinda, Annie Roe’s B&B. If needed, the business card holder can be removed by lifting it up and putting it in the glove box Lockbox is temporarily inside the house. Give me a call to get key. You’ll just need to show your drivers licence Common questions I get asked : —————————— Great Ocean Road —————————— Being a convertible, the majority of trips taken are down the Great Ocean Road, to the Twelve Apostles What to see : Drive through Melbourne to Torquay, then Lorne, Apollo Bay and end up in Port Campbell to see the Twelve Apostles. I don’t normally go further than that, unless I’m staying in Port Fairy (small country town approx 90km from the Twelve Apostles) Times : Whenever I go, I either leave the afternoon before and stay somewhere down there for the night, or leave around 5am on the morning of my trip to give plenty of time to stop, relax and see the sights. It seems early, though you'll appreciate it once you’re down there and have plenty of time to see the sights. I then either stay somewhere down there the night or having left so early, you could easily make it there and back by the evening of the same day. All this being said, I have had people pick the car up around 11am and make it there and back by the same night, though I’m not sure how much time that gave them to take it all in? —————————— —————————— Collecting the car? —————————— Taxi / Uber or Friend to drive you : Olinda is around 45 mins to the east of Melbourne, just up the hill from Ferntree Gully Public transport : Trains run from Melbourne CBD to Upper Ferntree Gully. From there, you can catch the 688 bus or catch a taxi approx 15 mins up the hill Note : I get constant requests to drop the car off in the city. I can’t as my times don’t allow for it, so please allow your own way to collect the car ——————————

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
Safety and technology
No smoking
No pets
July 2018

July 2018

June 2018

April 2018

We did the Great Ocean Road in day and a half. To get to the car was a bit inconvenient, but if you don't mind the public transport, there is a good access. Probably the perfect car for this kind of a trip. If you get lucky with the weather (as we did), then you'll have memorable time. The car is in tip-top condition, very safe and comfortable for all four. Tony was very friendly and helpful. RECOMMENDED !!!!!

Shared by Tony
Sharing since Aug 2017
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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