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2003 Toyota Tarago
West Melbourne, VIC

207 trips
75  of 107
People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

Instant Keys

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People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

8 seater, comfortable and reliable Great for long trips, moving house, camping and festivals. Fold-able seats for sleeping inside. Bluetooth, Aux input and USB. Hands free calls and Powerful sound system Hitch bar for trailers Smooth ride

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
USB input/charger
No smoking
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2003 Toyota Tarago
West Melbourne, VIC

207 trips
75  of 107
People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

Instant Keys

People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

8 seater, comfortable and reliable Great for long trips, moving house, camping and festivals. Fold-able seats for sleeping inside. Bluetooth, Aux input and USB. Hands free calls and Powerful sound system Hitch bar for trailers Smooth ride

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
USB input/charger
No smoking
Hamish Nathan
October 2022

Madeleine Kate
October 2022

we borrowed this car for a roadtrip and it did make it all the way but we had to get and add oil to the car for the owner because it was empty and the boot never opened. the doors sometimes don’t shut all the way and the engine warning light comes on and off intermittently…

September 2022

The car drove ok and did the job, but both the rear doors had problems closing and I only managed to close one of them fully by manipulating the latch mechanism. The other was stuck and we had to drive on a freeway with the door not fully locked in which was a bit nerve wracking. The brakes also felt a bit shuddery which may have been due to the door, not sure. If the rear door locking mechanisms were fixed and did not require manual manipulation, and brakes were smoother, then I would happily rent the car again as everything else was fine. It is old but otherwise mechanically ok overall.

Response from Calum

If you hold open the handle, reach back you feel a clip flick it up and push the door closed while maintaining pressure on the rear of the door to get the neat close. The doors dont fly open they are actually safe and roadworthy. I will have the part for these doors asap and they will not be a concern, sorry i didnt explain this befor your booking. Will work on improving :) Merci

September 2022

This is the second time I’ve hired this car. Car drove well, driver seat is very comfortable and car was perfect for what I needed it for. The car is old and seems to have its quirks about it which I knew prior to booking. However, due to the below things going wrong it made the trip quite stressful. I only hired the car for 2 hours but a good hour was dedicated to being on the phone to car next door to trouble shoot the issues I encountered which were as follows: 1) The car is now fitted with an immobiliser which means anytime the car is turned on you’re required to enter the immobiliser code. As I’d never used an immobile before I actually struggled to turn on the car initially and needed help from car next door to guide me. This was more my issue as I’m not good with technology so it took me a few goes to recognise how to do it properly. Instructions should be provided in the car manual saying “you’ll know if the code has been entered correctly as the immobiliser pad will beep twice once code is entered”. If code is not accepted the keypad literally makes no beeps once code is entered. Also as the immobiliser code is only available during the initial pickup instructions, it was not visible on the app/website past this point which meant anytime you needed to start the car again you could not do so as you had nowhere to reference what the code should be. This made it very stressful as I was unable to start the car again after I filled up the tank at the start of my trip as the tank was empty. I had to sit awkwardly at the petrol station pump for a good 10 minutes until I got help from the car next door team. The immobiliser code was not available anywhere in the instructions so I had to call car next door so they could verbally tell me what the code was over the phone which I then wrote down and advised them of this user error. I don’t think this issue necessarily falls to the owner, it appeared that car next door was not aware that you cannot view pickup instructions past the point of the initial pickup & that’s where the immobiliser code was. The code ideally should have also been included in the user manual section of app/website. 2) The petrol was sitting on empty when I picked up the car so my first trip in the car was to go to the petrol station. It also took me a while to work out where the petrol tank button was in order to open up the tank. Tip: The petrol button is located to the right of the driver seat which is only visible when the door is open as it’s on the ground level. Ideally this instruction should also be in the car next door car manual too, rather than the user having to spend time guessing where it is. 3) I was aware that the sliding door to the right was slightly ajar as I read other peoples reviews saying the car door to the right is operational, though due to damage over time the car door shuts and locks but it doesn’t close 100% so it means car can get breezy on cold days or if you’re a passenger in the back this may bother you as you’d be able to feel the air coming into the car due to the door issue. You also have to unlock doors from the inside in order to open the sliding doors. The new issue I experienced was that the sliding door on the left would also not close properly, where a visible gap in the door was now seen and the door now allowed air to enter the van more then the sliding door on the left. I reported this issue to car next door as soon as I noticed this issue as the door was rattling whist driving (as door was slight open) and you could hear the air travelling inside the car too from the gap in the door. These were the issues I encountered. The car doors need to be fixed as the car now feels unsafe. If the car doors are fixed then I’d be happy to hire out the car again but until this is done the car does not feel safe as the door literally rattles when in motion. I’m sorry to leave such a bad review but I think users need to know what to expect and I hope car next door removes the listing until the car doors can be fixed because this is now a safety issue. If there are passengers (which I did not have) as a passenger you would not feel safe as the car is at present.

Shared by Calum
Sharing since Jul 2018
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