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2009 Toyota Prius
Curl Curl, NSW

88 trips
50  of 50
Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

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Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

Lovely spacious hybrid car - The Prius - (meaning electric and petrol). She has leather seats, cruise control, GPS, bluetooth phone, a solar panel and sunroof, stereo, cd player, drop down back seat and serviced last week! This car is very eco friendly. This means that you can save on petrol, if you are driving for long distances. She is also very quiet and smooth to drive. The back seats can drop down and provide a spacious loading area for moving medium items and camping in too. If you are thinking about exploring the Northern Beaches to get to know them better. The Prius has a Northern Beaches Parking sticker, so you don't have to pay for parking at Council carparks on the Northern Beaches. (Please check all signs as in Manly and Palm Beach there are special time limited conditions) This can save you lots of parking fees. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS When parking you must press the (P) button to ensure that the batteries recharge while parked on the street. 1: P for Parking 2: T for turn off power to vehicle 3: F for foot break (you know hand break)

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
No smoking
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  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
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2009 Toyota Prius
Curl Curl, NSW

88 trips
50  of 50
Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

Lovely spacious hybrid car - The Prius - (meaning electric and petrol). She has leather seats, cruise control, GPS, bluetooth phone, a solar panel and sunroof, stereo, cd player, drop down back seat and serviced last week! This car is very eco friendly. This means that you can save on petrol, if you are driving for long distances. She is also very quiet and smooth to drive. The back seats can drop down and provide a spacious loading area for moving medium items and camping in too. If you are thinking about exploring the Northern Beaches to get to know them better. The Prius has a Northern Beaches Parking sticker, so you don't have to pay for parking at Council carparks on the Northern Beaches. (Please check all signs as in Manly and Palm Beach there are special time limited conditions) This can save you lots of parking fees. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS When parking you must press the (P) button to ensure that the batteries recharge while parked on the street. 1: P for Parking 2: T for turn off power to vehicle 3: F for foot break (you know hand break)

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
No smoking
December 2019

Old car but drives well.

Response from Eilis

Thanks Ben. It's an older Prius however it drives better than the Mazda CX3 that I had before I left work. The technology and design they put into the Prius is amazing. If you have not driven a Hybrid car and want to try one. This is a good car to start with.

December 2019
Response from Eilis

Thanks for borrowing my car. Great to see it being put to good use with your Dog Training service.

Shared by Eilis
Sharing since Nov 2019
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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