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2006 Subaru Forester
Mosman, NSW

59 trips
18  of 18
SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

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SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

"Axl" the automatic Subaru Forester is always a heap of fun to drive! He suits anyone who's happy to have him - whether you just need a safe and easy car to drive around the city or take on a road trip, or want a sturdy and reliable AWD with great suspension for a bit more of an adventure. He's got a cool new sound system installed with Bluetooth, USB and AUX port connections, powerful air-conditioning and a retractable sun roof for those hot days, roof racks and bike holders (for the adventurers out there), along with heaps of boot space with rear folding seats. And yes - he loves pets! Even though he can do quite a lot, he's actually not very bulky and is always easy to park, no matter where you are. He's usually parked on the street and there are always lots of spaces nearby making drop-off at the end really quick and easy. The drop-off/pick-up is only a minute's walk from a bus stop as well! NOTE: Please let me know before you take him out if you wanted to use the roof or bike racks. The bike racks can take two bikes in total. If you wanted to fit an extra bike or two in, you'd have to fold the rear seats down (and maybe take off the bikes' front wheels). Also note that the bike racks take up about half of the roof rack space so it couldn't carry very large items.

Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Air conditioning
Bike rack
Roof racks
No smoking
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  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
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2006 Subaru Forester
Mosman, NSW

59 trips
18  of 18
SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

"Axl" the automatic Subaru Forester is always a heap of fun to drive! He suits anyone who's happy to have him - whether you just need a safe and easy car to drive around the city or take on a road trip, or want a sturdy and reliable AWD with great suspension for a bit more of an adventure. He's got a cool new sound system installed with Bluetooth, USB and AUX port connections, powerful air-conditioning and a retractable sun roof for those hot days, roof racks and bike holders (for the adventurers out there), along with heaps of boot space with rear folding seats. And yes - he loves pets! Even though he can do quite a lot, he's actually not very bulky and is always easy to park, no matter where you are. He's usually parked on the street and there are always lots of spaces nearby making drop-off at the end really quick and easy. The drop-off/pick-up is only a minute's walk from a bus stop as well! NOTE: Please let me know before you take him out if you wanted to use the roof or bike racks. The bike racks can take two bikes in total. If you wanted to fit an extra bike or two in, you'd have to fold the rear seats down (and maybe take off the bikes' front wheels). Also note that the bike racks take up about half of the roof rack space so it couldn't carry very large items.

Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Air conditioning
Bike rack
Roof racks
No smoking
December 2018

December 2018

October 2018

Car was great, bike racks easy to use and reliable!

July 2018
Shared by Dan
Sharing since Apr 2018
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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