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2007 Subaru Liberty
Coogee, NSW

139 trips
47  of 49
Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

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Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

* * * S A N I T I S E D I do my best to sanitise car’s touch areas after each booking to keep us all safe from virus these days. It smells after fresh eucalyptus. *** There’s a hand sanitiser at handbrake too. *** Note the passenger door interior handle is broken and it may just end up in your hand. Please treat it gently until it gets fixed. Thank you! *** *** BORROWERS PLEASE PARK AT KERBS MINDFULLY. The Alu rims can get an easy damage and expensive repairs. Thank you! *** *** Aged like a good wine and still chic, please treat me with some TLC. Leather interior Powerful 2.5L All Wheel Drive Low seats feel like sports car Electric driver seat (buttons on door side) Radio, CD, AUX w cable, Bluetooth* Charging: 3x USB charger, QuadLock wireless charging mount with USB-C cable, iPhone Lightning cables and micro USB Electric drivers seat Sun roof 5-star safety rating Fire extinguisher, fire blanket, jumper leads (located under the boot cover with spare wheel) and first aid kit for extra safety and help on roads. *HOW TO OPERATE THE EXTERNAL BLUETOOTH UNIT: In the arm rest compartment there is a bluetooth unit plugged in both - the jack input and the USB charger which keeps its battery full. You need to manually press-and-hold the button (until you hear a beep) on the unit to make it discoverable. It appears as ABT510B. PLEASE NOTE: when on a phone call, you can hear the person but they can't hear you as the unit's microphone is closed inside the arm rest. In order to be heard you need to use phone's loudspeaker or open the lid and speak towards it if you're brave. So it rather serves to play music than voice calling.

Air conditioning
No smoking
No pets
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2007 Subaru Liberty
Coogee, NSW

139 trips
47  of 49
Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

* * * S A N I T I S E D I do my best to sanitise car’s touch areas after each booking to keep us all safe from virus these days. It smells after fresh eucalyptus. *** There’s a hand sanitiser at handbrake too. *** Note the passenger door interior handle is broken and it may just end up in your hand. Please treat it gently until it gets fixed. Thank you! *** *** BORROWERS PLEASE PARK AT KERBS MINDFULLY. The Alu rims can get an easy damage and expensive repairs. Thank you! *** *** Aged like a good wine and still chic, please treat me with some TLC. Leather interior Powerful 2.5L All Wheel Drive Low seats feel like sports car Electric driver seat (buttons on door side) Radio, CD, AUX w cable, Bluetooth* Charging: 3x USB charger, QuadLock wireless charging mount with USB-C cable, iPhone Lightning cables and micro USB Electric drivers seat Sun roof 5-star safety rating Fire extinguisher, fire blanket, jumper leads (located under the boot cover with spare wheel) and first aid kit for extra safety and help on roads. *HOW TO OPERATE THE EXTERNAL BLUETOOTH UNIT: In the arm rest compartment there is a bluetooth unit plugged in both - the jack input and the USB charger which keeps its battery full. You need to manually press-and-hold the button (until you hear a beep) on the unit to make it discoverable. It appears as ABT510B. PLEASE NOTE: when on a phone call, you can hear the person but they can't hear you as the unit's microphone is closed inside the arm rest. In order to be heard you need to use phone's loudspeaker or open the lid and speak towards it if you're brave. So it rather serves to play music than voice calling.

Air conditioning
No smoking
No pets
December 2018

Sajid Ibne
November 2018

September 2018

Nice comfortable car to drive, will rent it again.

September 2018

The clutch is on it's way out as the biting point is at the veey end of the release, and requires a decent amount of revving. For a 2.5L engine, the acceleration was great and all but was never smooth. Not sure if I am not good at driving powerful cars or this powerful car itslef has mechanical issues.

Shared by Adam
Sharing since May 2018
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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