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2007 Toyota HiLux
Mount Saint Thomas, NSW

362 trips
235  of 237
Ute 2 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys

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Ute 2 doors 3 seats

Covid-19 Update 20/6/20 I am no longer disinfecting the ute between each hire but you're welcome to wipe down surfaces and take your own precautions as you see fit. Please don't hire this vehicle if you're not feeling 100% well. Thanks Brand new air conditioner compressor installed 18/6/20 so air conditioning is working like new. If you hire my ute, please do not smoke in it. I bought this ute for its carrying capacity. It has a 300 kg Lyco tailgate lifter at the rear which you can see in this picture stowed vertically, folded in half at the rear of the tray. This allows one person to load heavy fridges etc. It has a three bar roof rack system. Both the front and rear racks lift out. The rear two racks are rated to 350 kg and are approx 2.5 metres apart. Combined with the front rack the three racks span 5.3 metres and you can legally carry up to about 7.5 metre lengths. If you need the front rack installed, just let me know. It's usually left out so that driver visibility is better. It has much higher than standard hinged drop sides as you can see in the pic, which let you carry a lot more lose items. It has tie rails down each side plus six recessed tie rings inside the tray itself which are very useful to tie down smaller loads that are lower than the tray sides. It has a non slip aluminium tray approx 2350 mm long by 1800 wide. Provided you tie down your load and use a warning flag, you can drive with the Lyco tailgate unfolded and in its top position which is exactly flush with the tray and extends it to approx 3,000 mm. The ute comes with furniture blankets (stored behind the seats) and bands, tie down straps, ropes and a sack truck. I've moved entire kitchens in one trip. If you need extra blankets just ask. For instructions on using the Lyco lifter and other functions of this ute, check out this video (copy and paste text into the URL): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAuM4eWVEiY

Air conditioning
Roof racks
Cargo Dimensions
Width 1.83 m
Length 2.35 m
Height 0.0 m
No smoking
No pets
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2007 Toyota HiLux
Mount Saint Thomas, NSW

362 trips
235  of 237
Ute 2 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys

Ute 2 doors 3 seats

Covid-19 Update 20/6/20 I am no longer disinfecting the ute between each hire but you're welcome to wipe down surfaces and take your own precautions as you see fit. Please don't hire this vehicle if you're not feeling 100% well. Thanks Brand new air conditioner compressor installed 18/6/20 so air conditioning is working like new. If you hire my ute, please do not smoke in it. I bought this ute for its carrying capacity. It has a 300 kg Lyco tailgate lifter at the rear which you can see in this picture stowed vertically, folded in half at the rear of the tray. This allows one person to load heavy fridges etc. It has a three bar roof rack system. Both the front and rear racks lift out. The rear two racks are rated to 350 kg and are approx 2.5 metres apart. Combined with the front rack the three racks span 5.3 metres and you can legally carry up to about 7.5 metre lengths. If you need the front rack installed, just let me know. It's usually left out so that driver visibility is better. It has much higher than standard hinged drop sides as you can see in the pic, which let you carry a lot more lose items. It has tie rails down each side plus six recessed tie rings inside the tray itself which are very useful to tie down smaller loads that are lower than the tray sides. It has a non slip aluminium tray approx 2350 mm long by 1800 wide. Provided you tie down your load and use a warning flag, you can drive with the Lyco tailgate unfolded and in its top position which is exactly flush with the tray and extends it to approx 3,000 mm. The ute comes with furniture blankets (stored behind the seats) and bands, tie down straps, ropes and a sack truck. I've moved entire kitchens in one trip. If you need extra blankets just ask. For instructions on using the Lyco lifter and other functions of this ute, check out this video (copy and paste text into the URL): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAuM4eWVEiY

Air conditioning
Roof racks
Cargo Dimensions
Width 1.83 m
Length 2.35 m
Height 0.0 m
No smoking
No pets
June 2018

Best ute to carry furniture. We just moved to Wollongong and are still buying things tocset up our house. Borrowed this car for 3 hours and managed to get a tallboy, a desk, a buffet and a coffee table all home in one go. Comes packed with straps amd furniture blankets too! Make sure you watch Phil's instructional video, that lift is a lifesaver!

April 2018

Hassle-free experience from start to finish, ute was perfect for the job and Phil was very helpful

November 2017

October 2017
Shared by Phil
Sharing since Jul 2016
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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