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2016 Suzuki Swift
Parkville, VIC

178 trips
120  of 121
Small Car 5 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

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Small Car 5 doors 5 seats

Hi neighbour! I'm a PhD student renting out my car through CND to help it become less of a liability whilst I study. The indoor light will go out when you click the remote. No need to turn it to the off setting. My beloved car is in excellent condition and great for petite/fun size people as well as regular size (just adjust the seat and seat belt, steering wheel up or down). It's had its regular scheduled servicing and there are no mechanical issues of any kind. It's very reliable. It has GPS maps guidance, voice guidance but best to search specific locations and addresses not the points of interest through the touch screen. It's got that get up and go typical of Suzukis. You can connect your phone through the car and receive and make calls hands free. Being automatic, it handles just as well in city traffic as up in the hilly Dandenong Ranges and perfect for long drives along the Great Ocean Road!/ ***UPDATE*** In the interest of keeping everyone safe during the COVID19 pandemic, I have put some hand sanitizer within easy reach. Please use it to sanitize your hands when hopping in and out of the car and wipe down the areas that you've been in contact with the car and I will do the same. See CND advice on Covid for further info. https://support.carnextdoor.com.au/hc/en-gb/articles/360040621752-COVID-19-Coronavirus-advice To find the car see the help centre information https://support.carnextdoor.com.au/hc/en-gb/articles/204824379-Finding-the-car-at-the-start-of-a-trip You must park in Zone 10 in Parkville or within 500meters in the residential permit covered area. The parking instructions and helpful map are in the car's profile when you make the booking. To connect to bluetooth usually you have to run the process from you phone the first time to accept the pairing request. I am happy for you to transport pets. Just use the blanket provided in boot under the tab and please clean up pet hair/stuff before you return my car. Please be respectful and clean up after yourself. Absolutely no smoking (I can smell when this happens!). Empty drink containers and food items in particular won't be received well and will attract a negative rating. From time to time there might be advertising on the car. Check out the pictures for an idea of what I'm talking about. Other than that I hope you have a fantastic trip and happy to take a call or two in business hours if there's any probs!

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
No smoking
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Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2016 Suzuki Swift
Parkville, VIC

178 trips
120  of 121
Small Car 5 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

Small Car 5 doors 5 seats

Hi neighbour! I'm a PhD student renting out my car through CND to help it become less of a liability whilst I study. The indoor light will go out when you click the remote. No need to turn it to the off setting. My beloved car is in excellent condition and great for petite/fun size people as well as regular size (just adjust the seat and seat belt, steering wheel up or down). It's had its regular scheduled servicing and there are no mechanical issues of any kind. It's very reliable. It has GPS maps guidance, voice guidance but best to search specific locations and addresses not the points of interest through the touch screen. It's got that get up and go typical of Suzukis. You can connect your phone through the car and receive and make calls hands free. Being automatic, it handles just as well in city traffic as up in the hilly Dandenong Ranges and perfect for long drives along the Great Ocean Road!/ ***UPDATE*** In the interest of keeping everyone safe during the COVID19 pandemic, I have put some hand sanitizer within easy reach. Please use it to sanitize your hands when hopping in and out of the car and wipe down the areas that you've been in contact with the car and I will do the same. See CND advice on Covid for further info. https://support.carnextdoor.com.au/hc/en-gb/articles/360040621752-COVID-19-Coronavirus-advice To find the car see the help centre information https://support.carnextdoor.com.au/hc/en-gb/articles/204824379-Finding-the-car-at-the-start-of-a-trip You must park in Zone 10 in Parkville or within 500meters in the residential permit covered area. The parking instructions and helpful map are in the car's profile when you make the booking. To connect to bluetooth usually you have to run the process from you phone the first time to accept the pairing request. I am happy for you to transport pets. Just use the blanket provided in boot under the tab and please clean up pet hair/stuff before you return my car. Please be respectful and clean up after yourself. Absolutely no smoking (I can smell when this happens!). Empty drink containers and food items in particular won't be received well and will attract a negative rating. From time to time there might be advertising on the car. Check out the pictures for an idea of what I'm talking about. Other than that I hope you have a fantastic trip and happy to take a call or two in business hours if there's any probs!

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
No smoking
January 2019

December 2018

December 2018

December 2018
Shared by Kate
Sharing since Mar 2015
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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