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2010 Kia Grand Carnival
Croydon, NSW

42 trips
17  of 21
People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

Instant Keys

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People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

Kia Grand Carnival - the people mover. It's big, seats up to eight people, there's a substantial amount of luggage space leftover and it doesn't cost an arm or a leg. Popular people mover in Australia. FEATURES: Silver coloured 8 seater offers a 2-3-3 seating layout Highlights - including power-adjustable and heated exterior mirrors, remote central locking, cruise control, USB/3.5mm audio inputs for the six-speaker 6CD sound system, power windows (including electric pop-out rear windows for the third row), seven cupholders and front and rear air conditioning. FUEL CONSUMPTION: Petrol - 8.5 litres per 100km. Tank capacity - 80 Litres. SAFETY FEATURES: The Kia's safety features list isn't anything far above the current industry norm, with anti-lock brakes (with brakeforce distribution and brake assist) stability and traction control - the latter does take a while to kick in when the big V6 lights up the front wheels.The airbags list has dual front, side and curtain airbags but the base-model misses out on the reversing camera and rear parking sensors - given the primary cargo it should now be standard fare not just on this model, but any car with less than adequate rear visibility.

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
Safety and technology
No smoking
No pets
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2010 Kia Grand Carnival
Croydon, NSW

42 trips
17  of 21
People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

Instant Keys

People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

Kia Grand Carnival - the people mover. It's big, seats up to eight people, there's a substantial amount of luggage space leftover and it doesn't cost an arm or a leg. Popular people mover in Australia. FEATURES: Silver coloured 8 seater offers a 2-3-3 seating layout Highlights - including power-adjustable and heated exterior mirrors, remote central locking, cruise control, USB/3.5mm audio inputs for the six-speaker 6CD sound system, power windows (including electric pop-out rear windows for the third row), seven cupholders and front and rear air conditioning. FUEL CONSUMPTION: Petrol - 8.5 litres per 100km. Tank capacity - 80 Litres. SAFETY FEATURES: The Kia's safety features list isn't anything far above the current industry norm, with anti-lock brakes (with brakeforce distribution and brake assist) stability and traction control - the latter does take a while to kick in when the big V6 lights up the front wheels.The airbags list has dual front, side and curtain airbags but the base-model misses out on the reversing camera and rear parking sensors - given the primary cargo it should now be standard fare not just on this model, but any car with less than adequate rear visibility.

Folding rear seat
Air conditioning
Safety and technology
No smoking
No pets
February 2019

Hi there, The car was ok and I would use it cor comvenience. However : The tank was almost empty (not even 1/4 full) we had to instantly go after picking up to the petrol station as it would not got any further,. We full the tank and then when paying the car's card was declined. I had to pay with my own card and have to claim it back. The far was messy it had a empty cup of coffee and a plastic cup on the front floor + plus the seats and floors of the car were a bit with dust sand and I believe bread or food crumbs. If I could guarantee that the car card would work next time and above issues are fixed, would not mind rent it again. It's easy and convenient :)

January 2019

Good experience.. Recommend this car

December 2018

December 2018

A comfortable vehicle with lots of space to fit a large family.

Shared by Supratik
Sharing since Nov 2018
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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