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2003 Ford Transit
Strathmore Heights, VIC

599 trips
279  of 285
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys

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Van 4 doors 3 seats

This Van is the Big Kahuna of vans.. It has loads of space and is a pure workhorse. The van comes with a great stereo for you to enjoy and is equipped with wider than normal side mirrors so you can see clearly all around for your safely at all times. A USB is provided to charge your phone whilst driving and you also have a rear vision camera mounted for reversing safety - It is automatically enabled when you move into reverse gear. It is ideal for use when moving furniture, transporting of goods, throwing camping gear in the back and going travelling, carrying sporting equipment, pushbikes, motorbikes going to the tip with a load and pretty much anything else. It has very low kilometres and runs beautifully. This Ford Transit MWB Mid-Top (Mid Roof) van has power steering and a manual gear box. **Warning - the external height of this van is 2.4 metres ** It can move a fridge upright - up to 1.65m tall. There's 1 sliding side door and barn doors at the rear and there are plenty of tie down points. It has great rear-end suspension to handle heavier loads A broom and plenty of tie downs are included together with a few blankets and sheets/towels. Yes - it will fit a FRIDGE UPRIGHT (up to about 165cm) and a Queen size bed plus loads of boxes, all together! MWB = medium wheel base, means it's a little longer than average car/SUV - so it won't always fit in a smaller car space - but it's still super easy to drive! It also comes with a brand new Trolley (pneumatic tyres) and double ramps to help you move your loads easily and safely. The ramps will allow you to move your gear into the centre of the Van easily and can also be used for motorbikes and other equipment.

Pet friendly
Air conditioning
No smoking
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  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

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Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2003 Ford Transit
Strathmore Heights, VIC

599 trips
279  of 285
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys

Van 4 doors 3 seats

This Van is the Big Kahuna of vans.. It has loads of space and is a pure workhorse. The van comes with a great stereo for you to enjoy and is equipped with wider than normal side mirrors so you can see clearly all around for your safely at all times. A USB is provided to charge your phone whilst driving and you also have a rear vision camera mounted for reversing safety - It is automatically enabled when you move into reverse gear. It is ideal for use when moving furniture, transporting of goods, throwing camping gear in the back and going travelling, carrying sporting equipment, pushbikes, motorbikes going to the tip with a load and pretty much anything else. It has very low kilometres and runs beautifully. This Ford Transit MWB Mid-Top (Mid Roof) van has power steering and a manual gear box. **Warning - the external height of this van is 2.4 metres ** It can move a fridge upright - up to 1.65m tall. There's 1 sliding side door and barn doors at the rear and there are plenty of tie down points. It has great rear-end suspension to handle heavier loads A broom and plenty of tie downs are included together with a few blankets and sheets/towels. Yes - it will fit a FRIDGE UPRIGHT (up to about 165cm) and a Queen size bed plus loads of boxes, all together! MWB = medium wheel base, means it's a little longer than average car/SUV - so it won't always fit in a smaller car space - but it's still super easy to drive! It also comes with a brand new Trolley (pneumatic tyres) and double ramps to help you move your loads easily and safely. The ramps will allow you to move your gear into the centre of the Van easily and can also be used for motorbikes and other equipment.

Pet friendly
Air conditioning
No smoking
October 2019

October 2019

Car trip was great very handy for moving only 1 thing i would improve would be getting a fuel card for the vehicle overall a great experience

September 2019

Great van huge space. Thanks Mario

September 2019

Great! Have use this van many times.

Shared by Andrew
Sharing since Oct 2017
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