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2012 Renault Trafic
Caulfield North, VIC

493 trips
200  of 249
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys

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Van 4 doors 3 seats

Are you in need of a reliable and versatile vehicle for your next project or adventure? Look no further than our 2012 Renault Trafic Van! This powerful van is built to handle the toughest of tasks and is perfect for anyone in need of a dependable vehicle for their next move, business trip, or project. Equipped with a 2.0-liter 4-cylinder diesel engine, the Trafic Van provides plenty of power and torque to handle heavy loads and long trips. The strong, durable design of this van means it can take on any challenge, making it a top choice for tradespeople, movers, and entrepreneurs. The Trafic Van boasts a large cargo space, with ample room for tools, equipment, and supplies, and it can comfortably seat up to 3 passengers, making it ideal for group travel or business trips. Inside, the Trafic Van offers a comfortable and functional cabin, with easy-to-use controls, comfortable seating, and ample storage space, air conditioning, and a sound system to make your journey more comfortable. Safety is a priority in this van, with features like driver and passenger airbags, anti-lock brakes, and stability control, so you can feel confident behind the wheel. With its low rental rates, renting the 2012 Renault Trafic Van is an affordable option for those looking for a reliable and versatile vehicle for their next project or adventure. Book your rental today and experience the toughness and versatility of this dependable van! Whether you're moving apartments, using it as a trade van or going camping for the weekend; this Automatic Renault Trafic is sure to impress. Loaded with: - 3 seats in the front - enough for your whole moving team - Bluetooth connectivity for your own roadtrip playlist - Secure roofracks and straps for transporting those extra-bulky items. Youtube how to tie straps if you haven't before - Moving Trolley and Blankets are Included - please keep strapped in place whilst driving - Internal hooks and straps to secure that antique dresser you found - Expected features like electric windows, keyless entry, airbags for passenger safetly etc. - Convenient side and rear doors perfect for loading - Easy to drive - Huge dimensions inside for moving all your gear and spacious front cab - relaxed driver position Dimensions Internal Length: 2400mm Height: 1387mm Width: 1690mm - You'll fit heaps in

Air conditioning
Roof racks
Cargo Dimensions
Width 1.69 m
Length 2.4 m
Height 1.387 m
No smoking
No pets
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  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2012 Renault Trafic
Caulfield North, VIC

493 trips
200  of 249
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys

Van 4 doors 3 seats

Are you in need of a reliable and versatile vehicle for your next project or adventure? Look no further than our 2012 Renault Trafic Van! This powerful van is built to handle the toughest of tasks and is perfect for anyone in need of a dependable vehicle for their next move, business trip, or project. Equipped with a 2.0-liter 4-cylinder diesel engine, the Trafic Van provides plenty of power and torque to handle heavy loads and long trips. The strong, durable design of this van means it can take on any challenge, making it a top choice for tradespeople, movers, and entrepreneurs. The Trafic Van boasts a large cargo space, with ample room for tools, equipment, and supplies, and it can comfortably seat up to 3 passengers, making it ideal for group travel or business trips. Inside, the Trafic Van offers a comfortable and functional cabin, with easy-to-use controls, comfortable seating, and ample storage space, air conditioning, and a sound system to make your journey more comfortable. Safety is a priority in this van, with features like driver and passenger airbags, anti-lock brakes, and stability control, so you can feel confident behind the wheel. With its low rental rates, renting the 2012 Renault Trafic Van is an affordable option for those looking for a reliable and versatile vehicle for their next project or adventure. Book your rental today and experience the toughness and versatility of this dependable van! Whether you're moving apartments, using it as a trade van or going camping for the weekend; this Automatic Renault Trafic is sure to impress. Loaded with: - 3 seats in the front - enough for your whole moving team - Bluetooth connectivity for your own roadtrip playlist - Secure roofracks and straps for transporting those extra-bulky items. Youtube how to tie straps if you haven't before - Moving Trolley and Blankets are Included - please keep strapped in place whilst driving - Internal hooks and straps to secure that antique dresser you found - Expected features like electric windows, keyless entry, airbags for passenger safetly etc. - Convenient side and rear doors perfect for loading - Easy to drive - Huge dimensions inside for moving all your gear and spacious front cab - relaxed driver position Dimensions Internal Length: 2400mm Height: 1387mm Width: 1690mm - You'll fit heaps in

Air conditioning
Roof racks
Cargo Dimensions
Width 1.69 m
Length 2.4 m
Height 1.387 m
No smoking
No pets
January 2020

This car is a must rent if you need to transport household goods. Plenty of space. Comes with plenty of ropes, ties and a trolley. I would borrow again if needed. :)

Response from Dylan

Thanks for the kind words Edilenson, and glad to hear you liked the van.

Shared by Dylan
Sharing since Jul 2018
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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