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2009 Toyota Corolla
South Melbourne, VIC

901 trips
422  of 426
Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys
7 years sharing
Trusty Car
Serviced 2023-10-11

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This car uses Instant Keys – you'll pick up and return the key using the app
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From $9.00/hr or $35.00/day + 45.0c/km
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Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

The car must be opened using the app and not the key. The app disables the immobiliser. If car is unlocked with key, the car won't start. If the car has been returned with less than 1/4 tank of fuel and I haven’t been able to fill it up - there is a service station 200 metres away in Bank street (cnr Kings Way/Bank Street). Phone holder is supplied BYO cable Bluetooth/radio/CD player/USB port BLUETOOTH instructions: You need to pair your smartphone with the car BT Make sure BT is toggled to ON on your phone - (if not connecting- turn everything off - I find I need to turn everything off once and start again or try toggling BT on your phone on and off a few times) select BT audio on the car (push top left hand button until it comes up) Tap on ‘Forget this Device’ that comes on your phone when in BT settings. A code will then come up on your phone and BT car - push the left hand knob on BT car to select Yes. You need to give each step a little time to sync- it is not instant Select the app you want on your phone and it will come through the speakers. Instruction booklet is in glove box. Microphone is on steering wheel. CAR Spacious, Reliable, great Aircon and Automatic. All this makes for a smooth ride. Plenty of room in the boot and the back seats fold down which makes it even more roomy if you need it for transporting large items. PARKING - Pls don’t park under the trees if you can help it. They make a real mess of the car. There is a photo of the residential parking permit information plus there is a copy in the glovebox PET FREINDLY - pets are most welcome! However, don’t leave pet hair all over the car for the next borrower, not nice! CLEANING - Feel free to use the cleaning equipment (brush for upholstery, bucket, sponge, cloths, car wash) in the boot.

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
No smoking
How are prices calculated?
Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2009 Toyota Corolla
South Melbourne, VIC

901 trips
422  of 426
Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys
7 years sharing
Trusty Car
Serviced 2023-10-11

Medium Car 4 doors 5 seats

The car must be opened using the app and not the key. The app disables the immobiliser. If car is unlocked with key, the car won't start. If the car has been returned with less than 1/4 tank of fuel and I haven’t been able to fill it up - there is a service station 200 metres away in Bank street (cnr Kings Way/Bank Street). Phone holder is supplied BYO cable Bluetooth/radio/CD player/USB port BLUETOOTH instructions: You need to pair your smartphone with the car BT Make sure BT is toggled to ON on your phone - (if not connecting- turn everything off - I find I need to turn everything off once and start again or try toggling BT on your phone on and off a few times) select BT audio on the car (push top left hand button until it comes up) Tap on ‘Forget this Device’ that comes on your phone when in BT settings. A code will then come up on your phone and BT car - push the left hand knob on BT car to select Yes. You need to give each step a little time to sync- it is not instant Select the app you want on your phone and it will come through the speakers. Instruction booklet is in glove box. Microphone is on steering wheel. CAR Spacious, Reliable, great Aircon and Automatic. All this makes for a smooth ride. Plenty of room in the boot and the back seats fold down which makes it even more roomy if you need it for transporting large items. PARKING - Pls don’t park under the trees if you can help it. They make a real mess of the car. There is a photo of the residential parking permit information plus there is a copy in the glovebox PET FREINDLY - pets are most welcome! However, don’t leave pet hair all over the car for the next borrower, not nice! CLEANING - Feel free to use the cleaning equipment (brush for upholstery, bucket, sponge, cloths, car wash) in the boot.

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
No smoking
Pay the hourly rate until you reach the daily rate
1 hour minimum
Trips must start and end between 6am - 11pm.
July 2017

Nice and clean car.. No dramas at all.

July 2017

Great car to drive!

July 2017

June 2017

Easy to drive, smooth ride

Shared by Suzi
Sharing since Sep 2016
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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