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2008 Volkswagen Eos
Helensburgh, NSW

12 trips
5  of 5
Convertible 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys
1 year sharing

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This car uses Instant Keys – you'll pick up and return the key using a smart lockbox
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Convertible 4 doors 5 seats

Meet Myrtle the Convertible - Your Charming Turbo-Diesel Companion for Scenic Getaways! National parks pass included! Myrtle is a great companion for leisurely drives through her picturesque hometown and beyond! She also doesn't mind a quick grocery run too. 🚗 Easy, breezy fun: Myrtle may not be a speed demon, but she's got plenty of pep for cruising along winding roads and soaking up the scenery. ☀️ Sun-lover's dream: On sunny days, Myrtle likes to take her top off. She's quite adventurous like that. She'll let you and your passengers (including fur babies) bask in the warm rays. Don't worry, though. Her heated seats keep you warm if it gets a bit nippy – if the clouds roll in, her sensible hard top can be put up to keep you cozy and dry. ☕️ Perks galore: When you book Myrtle, you'll also receive free coffee vouchers from the Cupbearer Café and an included national parks pass for the local parks. 🚉 Sydney travelers rejoice: If you're coming from Sydney, just let us know at the time of booking! We'll provide public transport directions to Myrtle, and for rentals of 3+ days, we'll even deliver her to Helensburgh Station for a seamless start to your adventure from the station. 🏠 Looking for accommodation? We've got you covered there too, here's a cliff-top Chalet that's ready for whale watching: https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/48507695 And here's a tree-top home that's set up for sunsets https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/48237198

Air conditioning
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
Front sensors
Cruise control
No smoking
How are prices calculated?
Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2008 Volkswagen Eos
Helensburgh, NSW

12 trips
5  of 5
Convertible 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys
1 year sharing

Convertible 4 doors 5 seats

Meet Myrtle the Convertible - Your Charming Turbo-Diesel Companion for Scenic Getaways! National parks pass included! Myrtle is a great companion for leisurely drives through her picturesque hometown and beyond! She also doesn't mind a quick grocery run too. 🚗 Easy, breezy fun: Myrtle may not be a speed demon, but she's got plenty of pep for cruising along winding roads and soaking up the scenery. ☀️ Sun-lover's dream: On sunny days, Myrtle likes to take her top off. She's quite adventurous like that. She'll let you and your passengers (including fur babies) bask in the warm rays. Don't worry, though. Her heated seats keep you warm if it gets a bit nippy – if the clouds roll in, her sensible hard top can be put up to keep you cozy and dry. ☕️ Perks galore: When you book Myrtle, you'll also receive free coffee vouchers from the Cupbearer Café and an included national parks pass for the local parks. 🚉 Sydney travelers rejoice: If you're coming from Sydney, just let us know at the time of booking! We'll provide public transport directions to Myrtle, and for rentals of 3+ days, we'll even deliver her to Helensburgh Station for a seamless start to your adventure from the station. 🏠 Looking for accommodation? We've got you covered there too, here's a cliff-top Chalet that's ready for whale watching: https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/48507695 And here's a tree-top home that's set up for sunsets https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/48237198

Air conditioning
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
Front sensors
Cruise control
No smoking
Pay the hourly rate until you reach the daily rate
1 hour minimum
5% discount for 3 days +
10% discount for 12 days +
Trips must start and end between 6am - 11pm.
Christopher Richard
May 2023

Loved spending a weekend with this car - it was perfect for drives down the coast, stopping in at The Imperial for a drink, checking out the beautiful beaches and cruising over the Seacliff Bridge with the top down like being in a car advert! My kids loved the convertible bit even more - they were very sad when we had to return it! Would definitely recommend this car for anyone who is staying in the area and wants to enjoy the beautiful Northern Illawarra!

Shared by Benjamin
Sharing since Jun 2021
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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