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2008 Mercedes Vito
West End, QLD

422 trips
202  of 228
Van 4 doors 2 seats

Instant Keys
3 years sharing

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This car uses Instant Keys – you'll pick up and return the key using a smart lockbox
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From $10.00/hr or $36.00/day + 45.0c/km
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Van 4 doors 2 seats

A great car for moving large items or house moves. *** THE AIRCON DOES NOT WORK - PRICE REDUCED TO REFLECT THIS *** It has been regassed, had the compressor changed, and the aircon just keeps dying. Please note: the window buttons are broken in this van on the drivers side. Some important information: 🚐 The park lights do NOT automatically turn off in this vehicle. Please make sure the dial is at the 12 o'clock position (NOT the 10 o'clock position). If you leave the park lights on and affect a following borrower Uber Carshare might fine you $60! 🚐 To release the park brake there is a lever next to the steering wheel on the right-hand side. This releases the park brake. There is a pedal where you would find the clutch pedal on a manual. Press down on this with your foot to activate. 🚐 This is a car-sharing vehicle which is primarily used for moving house etc. It will not be spotlessly clean like a rental vehicle by its very nature. You are also kindly asked to remove all rubbish from the vehicle, and to sweep out the vehicle if you leave any excessive amounts of dirt. 🚐 It is best to contact carnextdoor on (02) 8035 8000 or via live chat if you need assistance with trip extensions, booking-related issues, finding a vehicle once your trip has started, or lockbox related matters. I am unable to extend bookings, see the vehicle on the GPS once a trip has started or troubleshoot broken lockboxes. I am the best contact if you have trouble with the operation of the van. You can find my number listed under the account. 🚐 The van is a contactless pickup. You are provided with check-in instructions approximately 15 minutes before your trip starts which includes: The GPS coordinates and an approximate pickup location of the vehicle, instructions for unlocking the vehicle and information about pre-trip photos etc. Once again it's best to contact carnextdoor if you're having trouble with accessing your trip information. 🚐 Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any issues which are not covered in this description.

Air conditioning
No smoking
No pets
How are prices calculated?
Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2008 Mercedes Vito
West End, QLD

422 trips
202  of 228
Van 4 doors 2 seats

Instant Keys
3 years sharing

Van 4 doors 2 seats

A great car for moving large items or house moves. *** THE AIRCON DOES NOT WORK - PRICE REDUCED TO REFLECT THIS *** It has been regassed, had the compressor changed, and the aircon just keeps dying. Please note: the window buttons are broken in this van on the drivers side. Some important information: 🚐 The park lights do NOT automatically turn off in this vehicle. Please make sure the dial is at the 12 o'clock position (NOT the 10 o'clock position). If you leave the park lights on and affect a following borrower Uber Carshare might fine you $60! 🚐 To release the park brake there is a lever next to the steering wheel on the right-hand side. This releases the park brake. There is a pedal where you would find the clutch pedal on a manual. Press down on this with your foot to activate. 🚐 This is a car-sharing vehicle which is primarily used for moving house etc. It will not be spotlessly clean like a rental vehicle by its very nature. You are also kindly asked to remove all rubbish from the vehicle, and to sweep out the vehicle if you leave any excessive amounts of dirt. 🚐 It is best to contact carnextdoor on (02) 8035 8000 or via live chat if you need assistance with trip extensions, booking-related issues, finding a vehicle once your trip has started, or lockbox related matters. I am unable to extend bookings, see the vehicle on the GPS once a trip has started or troubleshoot broken lockboxes. I am the best contact if you have trouble with the operation of the van. You can find my number listed under the account. 🚐 The van is a contactless pickup. You are provided with check-in instructions approximately 15 minutes before your trip starts which includes: The GPS coordinates and an approximate pickup location of the vehicle, instructions for unlocking the vehicle and information about pre-trip photos etc. Once again it's best to contact carnextdoor if you're having trouble with accessing your trip information. 🚐 Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any issues which are not covered in this description.

Air conditioning
No smoking
No pets
Pay the hourly rate until you reach the daily rate
1 hour minimum
Trips must start and end between 6am - 11pm.
April 2022

April 2022

William Leslie
April 2022

Inside of car door falling off, foot well full of ciggie ash, stank like sweat. Air con doesnt work. Car picked up with low fuel returned with low fuel.

Response from Matthew

Hi, I am sorry about the cigarette smell, clearly someone has broken the rules and smoked in the van. The issues regarding the AC and broken door etc. are listed in the profile. I have tried to make it as clear as possible as I understand not everyone will want to hire the van as is. However, I have regular borrowers who would like to keep using the van despite these issues, hence why it is left online. Sorry again for the hassles. Cheers Matt.

April 2022
Shared by Matthew
Sharing since Jul 2018
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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