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2008 Volkswagen Caravelle
Belmont, VIC

304 trips
181  of 182
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys
0 years sharing

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Van 4 doors 3 seats

This van is great for picking up large items or moving house. There are three seats at the front so you can recruit two of your friends to help you move! The van is easy to drive and has great vision. The cargo dimensions are as follows: 1.2m high 1.2m wide (between the wheels, there is a little bit more room between the doors) 2.45m long Features: 🚐 You should be able to fit a queens size mattress at a diagonal in the back. However, the door arches might make it difficult to store items which are the same dimensions as the back of the van. 🚐 Plenty of street parking if you need to leave your own vehicle. Please note: 🚐 This vehicle is primarily used for moving items and often has back-to-back trips. Consequently, it will not be as clean as a usual hire car. Please be considerate of your following borrowers and remove any rubbish etc. You are expected to leave it as clean as you found it, and anyone who leaves the vehicle excessively dirty will be required to pay a cleaning fee, per Uber Carshare policy. 🚐 The headlights do not automatically turn off. One headlight will remain on if you leave the indicator on while parked, please make sure it is off. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or troubles :)

Air conditioning
Cargo Dimensions
Width 1.2 m
Length 2.45 m
Height 1.2 m
No smoking
No pets
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Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2008 Volkswagen Caravelle
Belmont, VIC

304 trips
181  of 182
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys
0 years sharing

Van 4 doors 3 seats

This van is great for picking up large items or moving house. There are three seats at the front so you can recruit two of your friends to help you move! The van is easy to drive and has great vision. The cargo dimensions are as follows: 1.2m high 1.2m wide (between the wheels, there is a little bit more room between the doors) 2.45m long Features: 🚐 You should be able to fit a queens size mattress at a diagonal in the back. However, the door arches might make it difficult to store items which are the same dimensions as the back of the van. 🚐 Plenty of street parking if you need to leave your own vehicle. Please note: 🚐 This vehicle is primarily used for moving items and often has back-to-back trips. Consequently, it will not be as clean as a usual hire car. Please be considerate of your following borrowers and remove any rubbish etc. You are expected to leave it as clean as you found it, and anyone who leaves the vehicle excessively dirty will be required to pay a cleaning fee, per Uber Carshare policy. 🚐 The headlights do not automatically turn off. One headlight will remain on if you leave the indicator on while parked, please make sure it is off. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or troubles :)

Air conditioning
Cargo Dimensions
Width 1.2 m
Length 2.45 m
Height 1.2 m
No smoking
No pets
October 2021

October 2021
Shared by Matthew
Sharing since Jul 2018
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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