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2016 Hyundai iLoad
St Kilda, VIC

61 trips
27  of 27
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys

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This car uses Instant Keys – you'll pick up and return the key using a smart lockbox
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Van 4 doors 3 seats

Meet Vince the Van: Your Trusty Companion for a Safe, Stress-Free Moving Experience! Need a reliable partner for your upcoming move? Allow us to introduce you to Vince the Van. Vince is our meticulously maintained 2016 van that's as comfortable to drive as it is practical for moving goods. Vince is more than just a van; he's a complete moving solution. Inside, you'll find a clean, carpeted interior that's perfect for transporting your precious items securely. The carpeting provides a soft layer that minimizes potential scratches and other damages. But that's not all. Vince is equipped with a solid cargo barrier, providing an additional layer of safety. This barrier ensures that your items stay put and prevents any potential accidents during transit. In addition, Vince comes with convenient tie-down points, so your items won't shift during the journey. And to make securing your load even easier, we've included ratchet straps, moving blankets, and both a moving and flat trolley. Vince truly has every detail covered, allowing you to focus on the big picture. Driving Vince is as smooth as it gets, thanks to his automatic transmission. And for those who dread reversing a larger vehicle, Vince comes equipped with a rear-view camera, boosting your confidence and helping you maneuver with ease even in tight spots. When you rent Vince the Van, you're not just renting a vehicle; you're gaining a dependable moving partner. With his spacious interior, safety features, easy-to-drive nature, and included moving essentials, Vince is ready to handle any task you throw his way. So, why wait? Make your upcoming move a smooth ride with Vince the Van! Reach out today to reserve Vince for your moving day.

This car is 2.0m tall and may not fit in all parking garages.
Air conditioning
Safety and technology
USB input/charger
Reversing camera
Apple CarPlay
Keyless entry
Cruise control
Cargo Dimensions
Width 1.62 m
Length 2.375 m
Height 1.34 m
Volume 4.3 m³
No smoking
No pets
How are prices calculated?
Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2016 Hyundai iLoad
St Kilda, VIC

61 trips
27  of 27
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys

Van 4 doors 3 seats

Meet Vince the Van: Your Trusty Companion for a Safe, Stress-Free Moving Experience! Need a reliable partner for your upcoming move? Allow us to introduce you to Vince the Van. Vince is our meticulously maintained 2016 van that's as comfortable to drive as it is practical for moving goods. Vince is more than just a van; he's a complete moving solution. Inside, you'll find a clean, carpeted interior that's perfect for transporting your precious items securely. The carpeting provides a soft layer that minimizes potential scratches and other damages. But that's not all. Vince is equipped with a solid cargo barrier, providing an additional layer of safety. This barrier ensures that your items stay put and prevents any potential accidents during transit. In addition, Vince comes with convenient tie-down points, so your items won't shift during the journey. And to make securing your load even easier, we've included ratchet straps, moving blankets, and both a moving and flat trolley. Vince truly has every detail covered, allowing you to focus on the big picture. Driving Vince is as smooth as it gets, thanks to his automatic transmission. And for those who dread reversing a larger vehicle, Vince comes equipped with a rear-view camera, boosting your confidence and helping you maneuver with ease even in tight spots. When you rent Vince the Van, you're not just renting a vehicle; you're gaining a dependable moving partner. With his spacious interior, safety features, easy-to-drive nature, and included moving essentials, Vince is ready to handle any task you throw his way. So, why wait? Make your upcoming move a smooth ride with Vince the Van! Reach out today to reserve Vince for your moving day.

This car is 2.0m tall and may not fit in all parking garages.
Air conditioning
Safety and technology
USB input/charger
Reversing camera
Apple CarPlay
Keyless entry
Cruise control
Cargo Dimensions
Width 1.62 m
Length 2.375 m
Height 1.34 m
Volume 4.3 m³
No smoking
No pets
Pay the hourly rate until you reach the daily rate
1 hour minimum
Trips must start and end between 6am - 11pm.
July 2023

Isabelle Sarah
June 2023

such an awesome first carshare, great van easy as to pick up and use

June 2023
Shared by Syrahrian
Sharing since Jun 2023
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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