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2011 Peugeot 308
Annandale, NSW

330 trips
170  of 171
Medium Car 5 doors 7 seats

Instant Keys
6 years sharing
Trusty Car
Serviced 2023-12-10

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This car uses Instant Keys – you'll pick up and return the key using a smart lockbox
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From $10.00/hr or $30.00/day + 39.0c/km
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Medium Car 5 doors 7 seats

Aircon is working perfectly again. . This car, Buzz, is a lovely car to drive. Buzz is small on the outside (only 25cm longer than a Corolla) but big on the inside. Buzz has 7 seats, a panoramic glass sunroof and a beautiful smooth ride and is very easy to park with front and rear parking sensors. It's really comfortable for five adults but a bit of a squeeze for 7. The third row seats are great for kids but don't have a lot of leg room for adults. Adults taller than 174cm will not fit in the third row. There are three child restraint anchors in the second row seats. BYO child seats or contact me prior to booking. The second and third row seats can easily fold flat to give an almost completely flat load area. If the GPS location of the car says it's in Rose St, it's probably in Johnston St at the top of the Winkworth Steps. Please always park there. If you start your booking in the morning, with 24 hours notice I can reconfigure the car. I can: - remove any or all of the five rear seats If you want any seats removed, make sure your booking starts in the morning and ends in the afternoon and please SMS me as soon as you make the booking.

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
No smoking
How are prices calculated?
Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2011 Peugeot 308
Annandale, NSW

330 trips
170  of 171
Medium Car 5 doors 7 seats

Instant Keys
6 years sharing
Trusty Car
Serviced 2023-12-10

Medium Car 5 doors 7 seats

Aircon is working perfectly again. . This car, Buzz, is a lovely car to drive. Buzz is small on the outside (only 25cm longer than a Corolla) but big on the inside. Buzz has 7 seats, a panoramic glass sunroof and a beautiful smooth ride and is very easy to park with front and rear parking sensors. It's really comfortable for five adults but a bit of a squeeze for 7. The third row seats are great for kids but don't have a lot of leg room for adults. Adults taller than 174cm will not fit in the third row. There are three child restraint anchors in the second row seats. BYO child seats or contact me prior to booking. The second and third row seats can easily fold flat to give an almost completely flat load area. If the GPS location of the car says it's in Rose St, it's probably in Johnston St at the top of the Winkworth Steps. Please always park there. If you start your booking in the morning, with 24 hours notice I can reconfigure the car. I can: - remove any or all of the five rear seats If you want any seats removed, make sure your booking starts in the morning and ends in the afternoon and please SMS me as soon as you make the booking.

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Pet friendly
Safety and technology
No smoking
Pay the hourly rate until you reach the daily rate
1 hour minimum
3% discount for 3 days +
8% discount for 12 days +
Trips must start and end between 6am - 11pm.
Laura Mieke M
January 2023

Great trip with this surprisingly spacious car. As written in the car's description, the leg space for the third row seats is more limited but we were still able to travel comfortably with 6 adults.

January 2023

good and reliable car. also very economic

December 2022

November 2022

Unfortunately did not get to go on the trip I planned however this car was available for the weekend last min from Friday evening. I only briefly got to use it but it was a smooth ride and felt really comfortable. Owner was helpful when I couldn't locate the car. Sometimes the map will take you to find the car at the bottom of a set of stairs - check up top if you can't find it!

Shared by Gordon
Sharing since Nov 2017
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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