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2006 Toyota Kluger
Carlisle, WA

5 trips
1  of 1
SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

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From $20.00/hr or $66.00/day + 53.0c/km
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SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

The Toyota Kluger is a comfortable trusty car to get you from a to b. It is automatic transmission, easy to drive and reliable. It is located a convenient 13min drive from the Perth airport and can be booked anytime. The rooftop tent packs up neatly so that you can drive the car as a normal car if you do not want to use the camping tent. It has a clearance of 2.4m. The car also has an awning that comes out the opposite side of the tent. Annex: there is also an annex tent that goes underneath the rooftop tent as a room, this is located in the boot. The kings rooftop tent is large enough for two and sets up in under 5mins. It has a double mattress inbuilt. Owners bring their own linen. The car also includes pillows, a table, plates, bowls, utensils. There is not a camping stove or linen but these can be easily purchased at the nearby Kmart at the start of your trip if necessary. Note: The car does have a GPS Airtag tracking device in order to keep track of it - sometimes it isn't parked at exactly the same spot - just making you aware for privacy purposes.

Air conditioning
Roof racks
Safety and technology
USB input/charger
Cruise control
No smoking
No pets
How are prices calculated?
Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2006 Toyota Kluger
Carlisle, WA

5 trips
1  of 1
SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

Instant Keys

SUV / 4WD 4 doors 5 seats

The Toyota Kluger is a comfortable trusty car to get you from a to b. It is automatic transmission, easy to drive and reliable. It is located a convenient 13min drive from the Perth airport and can be booked anytime. The rooftop tent packs up neatly so that you can drive the car as a normal car if you do not want to use the camping tent. It has a clearance of 2.4m. The car also has an awning that comes out the opposite side of the tent. Annex: there is also an annex tent that goes underneath the rooftop tent as a room, this is located in the boot. The kings rooftop tent is large enough for two and sets up in under 5mins. It has a double mattress inbuilt. Owners bring their own linen. The car also includes pillows, a table, plates, bowls, utensils. There is not a camping stove or linen but these can be easily purchased at the nearby Kmart at the start of your trip if necessary. Note: The car does have a GPS Airtag tracking device in order to keep track of it - sometimes it isn't parked at exactly the same spot - just making you aware for privacy purposes.

Air conditioning
Roof racks
Safety and technology
USB input/charger
Cruise control
No smoking
No pets
Pay the hourly rate until you reach the daily rate
1 day minimum
Trips must start and end between 6am - 11pm.
Caroline Ann
March 2024

We hired James’ car for a 3-week road trip up and down the coast of WA. The car was great and so was the roof tent, and James was super helpful/responsive whenever we had any questions. Would hire again!

Shared by James
Sharing since May 2021
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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